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In busy times, each staff member has to know what is his/her task. Moreover, the workflow should be organised in a way that prevents any unnecessary stops, e.g. all waiters queue up in front of the coffee machine while guests are waiting.
Your task is to identify the processes in your café as well as to define who will perform those. It is also important to distinguish between urgent tasks in the café and others that are not so much a matter of time.
Find more inspiration on the topic in Links and Videos.
A rainy Wednesday in spring – only very few guests will walk into your café. Three days later, one of the first sunny days of the year, a busy Saturday with people sitting in your café and outside at tables on the terrace. What a challenge for planning the staff and the resources!
If you read the “Process” document it will provide you with clear ideas how to organize the work in your café.
It is essential to understand your work processes and the staff you will require for a perfect performance – no matter if busy times or not. A constant level of quality will be appreciated by your guests and ensure their next visit.
Your task as an entrepreneur is
- to store sufficient (but not too much) food and beverages,
- to find out about the number of guests for different times during the day,
- to check for special events (e.g. Valentine’s Day)
- to check the weather forecast
- .... and in case, to call as many freelancers as you will require!
Learning Outcomes
- 1.10) I can develop (alone or with others) an inspiring vision for the future that involves others.
- 2.8) I can overcome simple adverse circumstances.
- 2.13) I can describe the concepts of division of labour and job specialisation.
- 3.7) I can prioritise the basic steps in a value-creating activity.